30 Juli 2006
Carolin's mum died yesterday. She's been sick for a year, cancer, and now the fighting is over. It's strange how the sun just continues shining and our food still tastes great, how everything is so normal.
Carolin and I sat on her balcony yesterday afternoon, eating juicy watermelon and speaking about her mum's last weeks. They've had a tough last year. Just now we were on the phone and she was preparing to go to the zoo with her sister, because that's where they went together with their mum some time back. Caro was cursing because she couldn't find any black underwear to match her clothes.
Her mum couldn't eat anymore in the last few weeks and didn't want to live like that anymore. She invited everyone to a big dinner in a fancy restaurant and let them describe to her how the food tasted. She probably planned it as her good-bye dinner.
I never met her during the time she was sick. I was scared. Scared to say something wrong, scared to give her a pittyful look, scared to even say "how are you?".
I'm a child of my society, trying to ignore death as long as we can. It's part of life, after all.

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